La lesión de Brian May era más grave de lo que se pensaba: "Estaba viviendo una pesadilla"

Brian May explica que el dolor casuado por su lesión en el glúteo le ha afectado durante seamanas


Tiempo de lectura: 4'

Actualizado 10:38

El guitarrista de Queen, Brian May, ha vuelto a aparecer en sus redes sociales para dar una actualización sobre su estado de salud y dar más detalles sobre la misma, afirmando que la fisura de su músculo comprometió uno de sus nervios, afectándole gravemente en su vida cotidiana. 

Aunque en un principio el músico se lo tomó con humor, explicando que tenía "el glúteo mayor hecho trizas por culpa de una sesión de jardinería demasiado entusiasta", la realidad, al sábado siguiente, le golpeó con dureza. El dolor se comenzó a extender hasta "paralizar su cerebro" después de haberse lesionado hace tres semanas. 

"Sentí que se apoderaba de mi personalidad", explicó May en Instagram. "Me levanté sintiendo que, de alguna manera, yo era el dolor y me costó mucho volver a mi cuerpo. Tuve que tomar una gran cantidad de analgésicos y, al final, estaba viviendo una pesadilla. Lo único que podía hacer era esforzarme para salir de esta. Lo he conseguido, pero solo porque pude contar con la ayuda de grandes fisioterapeutas y también fui al osteópata".

I’ve got some great help with pain management and rehabilitation. Today I can sit and potter slowly around holding on to things with almost no pain. It’s incredible what real pain does to you. I’ve always been a bit of a big shot about my tolerance to pain levels - like not getting Novocaine jabs at the dentist or whatever - But this nerve pain which came to inhabit my body about three weeks ago - no, it wasn’t a glute thing after all - has paralysed my brain. I felt it took over my personality. I woke up feeling that somehow the pain WAS me, and I was struggling to get back in my body. And I did give in and take the heavy duty painkillers, and in the end I was in a nightmare world. The only thing to do was kick it all and come out. But I could only do that because I got some great physio help and some osteopathy. I’ll tell you the whole story sometime, but for now ... happy weekend - I hope everyone of you can find a spot to enjoy the life-giving sunshine. Bri

Una publicación compartida de  Brian Harold May (@brianmayforreal) el 

Gracias a la rehabilitación y a la ayuda recibida para gestionar el dolor, May se puede "sentarse y disfrutar, poco a poco, de las cosas que casi no le causan dolor". De hecho, el pasado sábado, el músico subió una foto en la que se encontraba "dando su primer paseo por el parque desde que todo comenzase". 

My first walk in the park since this all began. My ... the air feels good ! Sky is blue - sun is clear and bright and warm and the breeze is cool. White fluffy cloud scud over my head. But I’m dependent on these ‘crutch’ devices to get around. There’s always ONE snag !! Well, not for long, hopefully. I’ve been through these scrapes plenty of times before. They make you stronger, right ?! If they don’t kill ya !! Well, I’m not planning to check out just yet !!! Rock on out there !! Isolate !!! Photo by Phil Webb, who bought me an ice cream - Thanks Phil - lovely day !!! Bri

Una publicación compartida de  Brian Harold May (@brianmayforreal) el 

"Dependo de unas muletas para ir de un lado a otro", explicó el guitarrista de Queen. "¡Siempre se me enganchan con algo! Aunque espero que no por mucho tiempo. He pasado por cosas como esta durante mucho tiempo. Te hacen más fuerte, ¿verdad? ¡Si no te matan! Os digo una cosa, ¡no tengo planes de morirme aún!", comentó. 

Durante estas tres duras semanas, Brian May ha desaparecido de las redes sociales pero ahora, por fin, ha regresado. "Os he echado de menos, pero esto ha sido muy difícil", escribió. "Hasta lavarme los dientes era difícil algunos días -y afeitarme era demasiado complicado, como podrás ver- así que tocar la guitarra no era una opción". 

En otro vídeo, May demostró que había podido volver a la carga con su instrumento: "Por fin puedo volver a coger una guitarra, lo cual es genial. Parece que aún funciono". 

#JamwithBri. This is the backing track I sent to @kerryellis79, two weeks ago for her live IG concert. Yes... there’s a story. Give me a little while. But meanwhile, if you’re in the bath (or even if not!) have a sing of this wonderful dramatic ditty !! �������� Well, the story is that Kerry had asked me for a track to duet with, and we thought about this one - because it’s a favourite from our touring days, and it’s very dramatic. However, Kerry was a little concerned that the range of power that this track demands might be a little too much for the home situation where she was singing. So I promised her I would send her a quick demo track so she could try it out, and see if it would work. Unfortunately, that was the day when I injured myself, working in the garden, and at that moment, the pain in my hip and leg was getting worse and worse. There were still a few days to go before the track was needed, and I wondered if I should just leave it for a little while, until I felt better. But somehow I had a premonition that I was not going to feel better for a long time. So I hobbled into my ‘music room’, as it has become in lock-down, plugged in the guitar, and played the backing track just once, with a rather amusing error at the end. I sent it off to the amazing @kerryellis79, with the message “Obviously this is not good enough to use, but it might be good enough to try see if it works.“ Well, my premonition came true, and sadly I have not touched a guitar since that moment. It probably seems like I have, if you’ve been watching my Instagram, but the recent posts have all been from earlier times. So Kerry, being the great professional that she is, used the track that I sent as the final version, and managed to share the joke at the end beautifully. Well, that’s the story. But what’s the missing part of the story? What really happened to me in the last couple of weeks? Well, you couldn’t make it up, but I’ll tell you soon. For now, I’m just gonna tell you I’m definitely going to be all right !! Bri

Una publicación compartida de  Brian Harold May (@brianmayforreal) el