La rápida reacción de los bomberos hicieron que Brian May (Queen) no perdiera su casa

El guitarrista de 'Queen' aprovechó la ocasión para expresar su descontento con la falta de apoyo a los bomberos por parte del Gobierno inglés

Tiempo de lectura: 3'

Actualizado 14:24

El guitarrista de Queen, Brian May, elogió a los bomberos locales en Surrey, Inglaterra, después de que sus esfuerzos ayudaron a salvar la casa del músico.

En un mensaje publicado en Instagram, el rockero notó por primera vez que un incendio forestal "aún ardía a menos de una milla de mi propia casa y estudio", y agregó que "nunca imaginó" tal peligro en la zona tradicionalmente lluviosa. A partir de ahí, May centró su atención en los hombres y mujeres que luchaban contra las llamas.

SURREY BUSH FIRE. This video captured by our friend callum_strachan from the Sunningdale Golf Club shows what it was like to be close to just one small corner of the raging fire on the heathland on Saturday. All respects to the firefighters and volunteers who helped them overpower the conflagration, and save many a wild animal and an untold number of homes. Bri

Una publicación compartida de Brian Harold May (@brianmayforreal) el

"Hoy pudimos comenzar a agradecer a los increíbles bomberos que arriesgaron sus vidas para contener este enorme y traicionero horno salvaje en la tierra de los páramos del campo de golf Sunningdale, que en realidad linda con mi propiedad", explicó el guitarrista.

"Ayer, estaba rescatando tantas cosas preciosas de mi casa como era posible, bajo la amenaza de que todo se incendiara, pero rezaba para que el horror no sucediera", continuó May. "Hoy mis oraciones fueron contestadas".


El rockero también aprovechó la oportunidad para expresar su descontento con los funcionarios del gobierno que han dejado al departamento de bomberos "trágicamente sin apoyo en los últimos años". "Algo ha ido terriblemente mal en el proceso de toma de decisiones de nuestros líderes", opinó el guitarrista. "Mientras prioricemos las ganancias económicas a corto plazo sobre las vidas de nuestra gente y el bienestar de quienes nos protegen, seremos una nación en peligro continuo".

FIREFIGHT in SURREY. I never imagined it could happen here in leafy, and normally damp, Surrey, England. We supported the fight against the immense fires in Australia, and watched sadly as fires ravaged California, but to see this happen in my own home county has been shocking and traumatic. These pictures show Anne Brummer and I this afternoon, surveying the forest fire which is still smouldering less than a mile from my own house and studio, and the fond relics of my entire life. Today Se were able to begin to thank the amazing firefighters who risked their lives to contain this huge and treacherous wild furnace on the heath land of Sunningdale Golf Course - which actually adjoins my property. Yesterday, I was rescuing as many precious things from my house as was practicable, under threat of the whole thing going up in flames, but praying that the horror would not happen. Today my prayers were answered - the fire is under control, but the danger is not over. While this dry heatwave lasts there is still a massive risk of a flare-up leading to disaster. Perhaps even more shocking was learning today that this wonderful force, which is alert 24 hours a day to protect us all, has become tragically undersupporyed in recent years. Just as the Government cuts sent the NHS into battle hideously crippled by lack of funding, the same lack of vision has rendered this country vulnerable to fires - with a fire fighting service criminally cut back in manpower and resources. Something has gone terribly wrong with our leaders’ decision-making process. As long as we prioritise short-term economic gains over the lives of our people and the welfare of those who protects us, we will be a nation continually in danger. It becomes more and more clear that a radical rethink is needed. THANK YOU, firefighters of Surrey, Sussex and Hampshire, and the maintenance team of Sunningdale Golf - for saving all our skins. And thanks Callum and Emily, George, and the nice man from Barcelona for giving us a backstage tour today. Incredible. Photo of Bri and Anne by Callum Strachan. Swipe for stereo views showing the still smoking edges of the huge area of destruction. Bri

Una publicación compartida de Brian Harold May (@brianmayforreal) el

Este es el mensaje completo de Brian May, que puedes leer a continuación:

"Los bomberos han estado luchando contra el incendio, conocido como el incendio forestal de Chobham Common, durante varios días. Aunque todavía arde, se dice que el fuego está bajo control, lo que llevó a las autoridades a permitir que los residentes del área regresen a sus hogares".